Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Name Change?

Thinking about a change of name for the blog come September. Ideas considered so far:

Fool for the Fire
Between Yeovil and the C of E
Idiot in the Global Village
More to Life than Blogging
Character Limit
Flintoff's Knee (sore, overworked, but vital)
The Church Cat
40th Article
By All Means
Subliminal Message
Balaams Elbow
Organ Failure

do shout if any of these are taken....thought not.


  1. David

    I'm not sure I like the idea of a Church Cat prowling the blogosphere. If you go with that one, you'll have to promise to be a friendly church cat and not to eat me.

    The Church Mouse

  2. Britvic is of course a significant company who might not take kindly to their trademarked name being used for an unapproved blog. I'm not sure what Freddie would think about his knee being immortalised in the blogosphere! My favourite is the second one.

  3. What about: "Keen on Christ?"

  4. I reckon you should keep the name you've got - but that's just my two-penneth worth. Maybe just jazz up your design a bit by messing with your template code. Remember your name is very wrapped up with your identity and you're pretty well known by it in the blogosphere. I have come to realise that my weird name Re vis.e re form can just come to mean different things if I want it to.See http://hrht-revisingreform.blogspot.com/2009/08/emmm-interesting.html for my musings

  5. I definitely like the 'More to Life than Blogging' one!

  6. None of these say very much about you, your blogging or the sort of perspectives you take. Of them BritVic is probably the best in those terms. Given your interfacing between politics, faith, mission and ordinary life, maybe something like Songs in a Strange Land / Singing a Stranger Song or something. Just another idea for you.

  7. YHWH a cider drinker?


  8. I'd say develop a one sentence idea of what the blog should be, and go from there.

  9. thanks for all the comments folks. Whilst on holiday (as I've been for the last couple of weeks) the name 'All of the Above' has kept recurring, which may have some mileage.

  10. "All of the Above" will vanish on Google.
