Sunday, July 05, 2009

New Kids on the Blogroll

Soul Politics (ht Iain Dale) "Christian-Left blog from the UK. Committed to both moral values and social justice, Soul Politics seeks to get to the spiritual and political roots of Westminster's happenings."

Gary's Rather Sad Blog penned by vicar Gary Alderson, and it's not as sad as it sounds.

Wannabepriest, who is a wannabe no more, having just been ordained. Currently very concerned about the fate of Church House publishing, having been proved right about SPCK...

Andy Dowland, union/Labour activist and local chap,

Tim Goodbody at Friends Meeting House This is my chance to get stuff off my chest. If you are interested too, then that's great, and I welcome the prospect of dialogue. It's called Friends' Meeting House because my intention is friendly, because I am descended from Quakers and because there is a really cool building in our village with the same name. Strong musical flavour....... as I was writing this, a comment came in from Tim, how about that for a 'coincidence'?

Starcourse, a blog about science, religion, the universe and other stuff, the writer has co-authored a book with John Polkinghorne, and runs his website.

Mark Brown, CEO of the New Zealand bible society, quite a lot of stuff about technology and mission, bible, culture etc., good quality.

Captain Collo Salvation Army captain in Australia, each day has a Bible thought, book thought and personal thought, 1 minute to read the lot and usually something wise/provocative.

Missiome blog of Martin Thomson in Exeter: 'mission, life, what's it all about?'

Zoomtard a 'theological sketchpad of a Man City fan who works for a church plant near Dublin. the song/poem 'Nobody laughs at God' is worth a look.

Later this week, in anticipation of hit no. 50,000, I'll also try to link to all the folks who've commented here this year (and a diverse lot they are too). So you have a couple of days to get your name on that list....!!!


  1. Glad to see I'm not the only one who presses the wrong button sometimes!

  2. Thanks for these. How do you keep up with them all though?

  3. with difficulty! To be honest I just keep adding new blogs to my bookmarks, and even when some of them go offline (which I gather Tall Skinny Kiwi has recently done) I'm too lazy to delete. There's normally 15-20 which I'll visit pretty regularly, and then a whole load of others I just dip into.
