Here's a few other centres of light relief
The Church Sofa, which is on a bit of a roll at the moment
The New Wineskins Dictionary all those tricky churchy jargony terms explained
'Tea and Cake or Death'/Anglican Memes an evolving online collection of funny stuff.
confusingly Cake or Death cartoon site by Alex Baker
Stuff Christian Culture Likes even though its based on US Christian culture, there still far too much of it that applies to the UK.
The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley one day, in 200 years time, historians will be poring over the final days of the CofE, and this will be the only thing that makes any sense.
and some old favourites
The Ongoing Adventures of ASBO Jesus Jon Birch's cartoon site, remains prolific
Cartoon Church more of an archive site now, very much worth the £35 a year for a license to reproduce the cartoons in notice sheets, publicity, Deanery bulletins etc.
for more serious links, the Ebuzzing 'Religion and Belief' top blogs has been updated for October, the mechanics for this site seem to be seriously broken, but it's quite a good way to find new blogs.
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