Monday, November 12, 2007

More on Philip Pullman

A few links on reasoned Christian responses to Philip Pullman:

Article by Mark Greene at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity - excellent starting point. With a bit of formatting you can print it off on 2 sides of A4, for people who don't have web access or who prefer to read 'real' documents.

Various materials and links from Damaris. There's also a book, Dark Matter, on Pullmans thought and writing.

Report from Ekklesia on a debate between Pullman and the ABofC

Interview from the Catholic Herald with Pullman

Richard Frank takes issue on his blog with people calling for a boycott of the movie.

Other takes on Pullman here, here (journalist Peter Hitchens, not to be confused with Christopher Hitchens, is a fellow National Secular Society patron with Pullman) and a debate on Ship of Fools

Finally a page from Pullmans own website, with the text of a talk he gave on religious education, which shows where some of his thinking comes from, and gives some of his critique of religion.


  1. You got it the wrong way around.
    Christopher Hitchens is an NSS honorary associate. His brother Peter is not.


  2. Thanks Dan, my head knew that but somehow my fingers didn't.
