Sunday, September 07, 2008

Lessons from watching telly

After a summer break (thanks to Simon Sarmiento for filling in), weekly 'Touching Base' columns at the Wardman Wire have restarted. This weekends was 'Everything I Need to Know About Life, I Learnt from Watching Sport on Telly', here's the potted version.

1. Know what you have to do, and why
2. Work on your connections
3. It's ok to be human
4. There's more to life than football
5. Eventually, the game ends.

The link explains all.

1 comment:

  1. David,
    Thank you so much brother for sharing this wonderful post with us. I want you to know that I love reading your blog. It inspires! Keep up the fantastic job you do. I want you to know that you and your ministry is always in my thoughts and prayers as you make a kingdom difference.
    I hope you have a blessed week as you serve the living God.
