Saturday, February 06, 2010

Wikio top Religion Blogs February 2010 (= Jan 2010!)

The latest Wikio blog rankings are up and about, and the march of the card and craft blogs continues. Despite that, a few of the blogs below are starting to climb to something nearer their rightful places in the scheme of things.

The blogs listed are those which deal wholly, or in significant detail, with religious issues. Links don't imply agreement!!

26 Cranmer
58 Heresy Corner
121 this one
148 Islam in Europe
150 Thinking Anglicans
151 Gates of Vienna (beware of rabies)
157 The Hermeneutic of Continuity (apparently this was once the name of a minor character in Doctor Who)
169 What does the Prayer Really Say?
182 The Ugley Vicar
183 Church Mouse (big riser this month, chewing his way through all those card blogs)
184 Clayboy (possibly mistaken for a craft blog too?)
193 Bartholemews Notes on Religion
204 MadPriest bizarrely Wikio lists 'health and fitness' as one of Fr Jonathans main topics. Of course they could be wrong. If you're the praying sort, he'd appreciate your prayers right now. And if you're not, he'd appreciate them even more.
240 John Smeaton, SPUC Director

With the demise of Technorati's log of links, Wikio is offering its own way of keeping up with links in and out of your blog, but you have to be signed up with them to use it. It also only tracks other Wikio blogs, so far as I can tell. Matt Wardman explains more about Wikio Labs and what it can do. Quantity of links in seems to be a big factor in their rankings.

Of course several of the above will tank horrendously over the next couple of months as people quit blogging for Lent, which, conveniently for Anglicans this year, occurs between General Synod and the official announcement of the General Election on May 6th.


  1. Where did 'Gates of Vienna' come from? Bit worrying that.

  2. They've been there for a while, but I often don't put in the hyperlink because the site is so grim.

  3. Thanks for this.. added myself to Wikio now on this recommendation.. I was struggling with Technorati

  4. Lesley - you're not the only one. For a while I was smirking at being in their top 30 religion blogs, now I've disappeared from that category altogether. Serves me right for being vain!
