Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm nearly George Clooney

Following a recommendation from Steve Tilley's blog I used the My Heritage website to see which celebrity I most resembled. Having preached on Sunday about the hollowness of 'celebrity' compared to the people the Bible encourages us to honour, I am now a fully paid up member of hypocrites international. However, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Telly Savalas being my closest lookalike. Even worse, out of the 10 'celebrities' (does anyone know who Corey Feldman is?), 2 were women, which must be a bit of a worry for them given that I have a beard. I also suspect that there aren't any Brits in the My Heritage database, given the uniformly American line-up.

spiritual application?

Well you could use it to fill an evening with the youth group.
Or post pictures of church members you took on the last parish weekend and see what happens.
Or think about what percentage of my character looks like Jesus, and who do we model ourselves on and try to become like. And would I rather be like Jesus or George Clooney? And which of the two would my wife prefer?

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